Significant evi dence suggests that e cess body fat is a major ri

Significant evi dence suggests that e cess body fat is a major risk factor for non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, cardiovas cular diseases, cancers, gastrointestinal diseases, arthritis and metabolic disorders, as well as disruptions our site in reproduction. E cess body fat is closely related to irregular menstrual cycles, reduced spontaneous conception and increased risk of miscarriage. A recent study indicated that obesity negatively impacted oocyte and embryo quality. In parallel to findings in human beings, diet induced obese mouse studies have shown a wide range of negative re productive phenotypes in addition to poor outcomes in the offspring from these mice. Additionally, our previous study demonstrated that obesity accelerated ovarian follicle development and follicle loss in female rats.

Female fertility is determined by the size of the primordial follicle pool formed during fetal life and by the rate of depletion of the pool after birth. In addition to reduced ovarian complement, early deple tion of the follicular pool due to e cess follicular acti vation and or atresia can occur and results in infertility. Childhood obesity also has a negative effect on reproduction, which may lead to early onset of puberty, menstrual irregularities during adolescence and polycys tic ovary syndrome. These studies shed light on the negative effects of obesity on the reproductive functions in females. However, how obesity affects the ovarian fol licle development, and the underlying mechanisms re main elusive.

Anti obesity management can improve cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors in overweight and obese indi viduals, as well as reproduction disease. Resver atrol, a natural SIRT1 activator, can partly mimic effects of calorie restriction in mice and obese humans. Resveratrol has anti aging effect and also benefi cial effects of cardiovascular and metabolic system. Consistently, it prolongs the ovarian lifespan and protects against age associated infertility in rodents. How ever, resveratrol is not a specific activator of SIRT1, and it can also activate other signaling pathways. SRT1720, a specific activator of SIRT1, is 1000 times more potent than resveratrol. However, whether SRT1720 could affect ovarian follicle development and promote the fol licle pool reserve through activating SIRT1 signaling is unknown.

In the present study, we used a high fat diet induced obese mouse model to characterize the effect of SRT1720 on ovarian follicle development in adult obese animals and to investigate the associated mechanism with SIRT1 and mTOR signaling. Brefeldin_A Materials and methods Materials Primary and secondary antibodies applied in this study were introduced as follows SIRT1, FO O3a, NRF 1, mTOR, phospho mTOR, phospho p70S6 kinase, NF ��B and p53 antibodies were obtained from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, USA. SIRT6 antibody was purchased from Abcam, UK.

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