Indeed, although many mutations lower A??40 production, almost al

Indeed, although many mutations lower A??40 production, almost all mutations increase or at least do not affect the production of the A??42 peptide [71]. The overall result is a change in the A??42:A??40 ratio, which increases the tendency to form toxic oligomeric species [72]. Figure 3 Overview of dominantly inherited mutations in presenilin 1. Presenilin contains nine transmembrane domains. The both presenilin 1 mutations (red circles) are scattered over the protein, but most are in the hydrophobic domains of the protein. Green and yellow … ??-Secretase inhibitors may have less effect on mutated ??-secretase than on wild-type ??-secretase [73-75]. In preparation for treatment trials, individual mutations can be tested in vitro for ??- secretase inhibitor effects on ??-secretase activity.

While it is likely that lowering the total burden of A?? peptide might be beneficial, caution is needed because it is possible that some ??-secretase inhibitors could block mainly the wild-type ??-secretase while the mutant presenilin remains operational. ??-Secretase inhibitors or vaccination against A?? avoid this particular issue as they target the wild-type ??-secretase or the wild-type A??. Mouse models The creation of AD animal models was crucial to the development of modern anti-amyloid therapeutic programs. Initial efforts to develop an AD model focused on transgenic mice overexpressing human APP, since no naturally occurring animal models fully recapitulate all of the pathological and functional deficits in AD. Over-expression of the wild-type APP was insufficient to cause a relevant phenotype.

With the discovery of the familial APP mutations, however, several animal models using the Swedish, London, Indiana and other mutations have been developed and characterized. Most of these mouse models show consistent amyloid pathology, but often there is poor correlation between the development of morphological brain changes of deposition of amyloid plaques and disturbances in learning and memory function. Mouse models with only presenilin 1 or presenilin 2 mutations have been developed, but they do not develop amyloid pathology in spite of increased production of A??42 [76,77]. The inability of presenilin mutations to cause amyloid pathology in mice is most probably due to the sequence differences of mouse APP compared with human APP, as murine A?? peptides are less prone to aggregation.

Accelerated brain pathology was achieved Carfilzomib by combining the genetic liability of human APP mutations with presenilin mutations [78]. In addition, the behavioral disturbances inhibitor price are more pronounced in these bigenic animals [79]. Transgenic models of ADAD are quite different from human models because of species differences and the location and increased amount of expression of the mutated protein.

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