Here, eight aphasic persons with apraxia of speech underwent intensive language therapy in two different conditions: real bihemispheric anodic ipsilesional stimulation over the left Broca’s area and cathodic contralesional stimulation over the right homologue of Broca’s area, and a sham condition. In both conditions,
patients underwent concurrent language therapy for Pexidartinib concentration their apraxia of speech. The language treatment lasted 10 days (Monday to Friday, then weekend off, then Monday to Friday). There was a 14-day intersession interval between the real and the sham conditions. In all patients, language measures were collected before (T0), at the end of (T10) and 1 week after the end of (F/U) treatment. Results showed that after simultaneous excitatory stimulation to the left frontal hemisphere and inhibitory stimulation to the right frontal hemisphere regions, patients exhibited a significant recovery not only in terms of better accuracy and speed in articulating the treated stimuli but also in other language tasks (picture description, noun and verb naming, word repetition,
word reading) which persisted in the follow-up session. Taken together, these data suggest that bihemispheric anodic ipsilesional BMS-354825 cell line and cathodic contralesional stimulation in chronic aphasia patients may affect the treated function, resulting in a positive influence on different language tasks. Speech is probably one of the most complex and most intensively exercised motor skills of humans. In any language, the frequent use of always the same bundle of articulatory gestures participating in the construction of words transforms the recurring motor pattern into a stable, overlearned movement program represented onto the motor-cortical hard-disk that contains the human’s phonetic lexicon. From there it can be accessed rapidly and safely
whenever the words occur in an utterance (Levelt et al., 1999). Focal brain damage, such as a stroke in the left hemisphere, can cause a disorder in this alternation of movements, known as ‘apraxia of speech’. It is manifested as distortions of consonants and vowels that may be perceived as sound substitutions in the absence of reduced strength or tone (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate of muscles and articulators controlling phonation (McNeil et al., 2000; Duffy, 2005). Since Paul Broca in 1865, the hypothesis has been advanced that damage to the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG; Broca’s area) might cause apraxia of speech disorders. Subsequent studies have suggested the involvement of the left anterior insula (Shuren, 1993; Dronkers, 1996; Donnan et al., 1997; Nestor et al., 2003), while others have confirmed that the most frequent area of damage in patients with apraxia of speech is Broca’s region (Hillis et al., 2004). Numerous treatments have been developed to remediate the apraxia speech disorder (Rosenbek et al., 1973; McNeil et al., 1997; Knock et al., 2000; Wambaugh, 2002).