Curiously, six proteins in the molecular mass range of 40–42 kDa have also been shown to be over-expressed Selleckchem INCB28060 in C. perfringens ATCC13124 cells when grown
on CMM, using 2-DE profiling of whole cell proteins. These proteins varied in their observed pI values from 5.6 – 7.0 and are likely to migrate closely on a one dimensional SDS-PAGE. The results indicate that with reference to TPYG grown cells, some additional proteins expressed in vivo (in mouse experimental gangrene model) are also expressed when C. perfringens ATCC13124 cells are grown on CMM. Based on the results obtained in the present investigation, it will be highly speculative to suggest that CMM provides host simulated conditions for C. perfringens. In a pre-gangrenous infection, C. perfringens cells encounter live muscle and immune cells that will be responding and fighting to kill the bacterium. By comparison, cooked meat media (CMM) is processed, granulated and boiled muscle tissue. Further work using proteome from cells obtained from infected host and those from
CMM and TPYG grown cells may provide further clue in this direction. Most of the cell envelope and up-regulated proteins existed as multiple isoelectropherotypes and often differences in their observed Selleckchem LY2874455 and theoretical pI values were more pronounced, compared to those observed for molecular masses [see Additional file 1]. We cannot exclude a possibility that there are major post translational oxyclozanide events in these proteins resulting in pI value differences. Nevertheless, earlier observations have indicated that different isoelectropherotypes of polypeptides in 2-DE gels do not always arise from true post translational modifications, but also from the 2-DE procedure itself [31, 32]. The outer surface of bacteria is of great importance to the understanding of bacterial pathogenesis. Elements of the
surface are implicated in bacterial defense mechanisms and virulence related functions e.g. adhesion, invasion, direct injury, and induction of septic shock. There is no information available with respect to surface proteins of this medically important bacterium. In the present study, several of the surface proteins and those over-expressed in CMM grown cells were largely assigned putative function in amino acid transport and metabolism [see Additional file 1], suggesting that this organism is adapted to protein rich environment of host tissue. Together, these identified and predicted proteins could be useful targets for the development of improved vaccines against gangrenous infections. Two of the surface proteins of C. perfringens, ornithine carbamoyltransferase and phosphoglycerate kinase have also been identified as immunogenic proteins in the outer surface protein preparation of S. agalactiae and S. pyogenes [24, 25]. Curiously, sera directed against the two proteins were shown to protect neonatal animals from S.