analysis Conditional logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the risk of hip/femur GDC-0941 ic50 fracture associated with the use of dopaminergic drugs and were expressed as odds ratios (OR) with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI). Adjusted odds ratios (ORadj) for hip/femur fracture were estimated after adjustment for the various confounding variables. Final regression models BIBW2992 molecular weight included all potential confounding factors that changed the natural logarithm of the risk estimate with more LXH254 ic50 than 5%. Stratified analyses within current dopaminergic drug users were performed regarding gender, age category,
type of current dopaminergic drug (dopamine agonist, levodopa-containing drug, or combined use) and concomitant use of anticholinergics, antidepressants, antipsychotics or benzodiazepines. In order to differentiate between onset and offset of the effect of dopaminergic drugs on hip/femur fractures, two separate analyses were performed: (1) the onset was investigated by calculating the risk of hip/femur fractures in relation to continuous duration of dopaminergic drug use within current users; (2) the offset was investigated by calculating the risk of hip/femur fractures in relation to the recency of use of dopaminergic drug treatment within ever users. In both analyses, the dopaminergic drug users were subdivided into 10 subgroups based on deciles of the continuous duration of use (or recency of use). An OR was calculated for each of the subgroups.
Spline regression was then used to smooth these estimates and to visualise Methamphetamine any trends. This method has been advocated as an alternative to categorical analysis [31]. Analyses were performed with SPSS 16.0. Spline regression was performed with SAS 9.1.3. Results We identified 6,763 cases with a fracture of the hip or femur and 26,341 matched controls (Table 1). Almost three-quarters (73%) of the study population was female. The mean duration of follow-up before the index date was 5.8 years for cases and 5.7 years for controls. The median age was 79 years for cases and controls.