2 mL of N2H4·H2O was injected into the vacuumed solution under magnetic stirring. After reaction, the resulting mixed solution was aged under ambient conditions for 24 h. Results and discussion Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of BSA-Au nanocomplexes are shown in Figure 1a, b, c, which indicate
that the nanocomplexes are spherical. In Figure 1b, c, the BSA-Au nanocomplexes show good dispersity. However, few particles tended to form this website aggregates (Figure 1a, b), which are attributed to the collision and fusion mechanism [20]. After the gold ions are reduced by N2H4·H2O, the newly generated ultrasmall nanoparticles have high surface activities, so the random collision is inevitable. Upon collision, these ultrasmall nanoparticles will fuse together by eliminating the high-energy surfaces with the increase of aging time [20]. In theory, the BSA molecules on the surface of the synthesized nanocomplexes, due to their low electron density, are
not easy to observe by TEM microscopy. Interestingly, to the aggregates, the BSA layer is very clear and surrounds the surface of the aggregates (Additional file 1: Figure S1). Figure 1 TEM images and XPS spectrum. (a, b, c) TEM images of BSA-Au nanocomplexes with different magnifications and (d) XPS spectrum of BSA-Au nanocomplexes; the inset is the XPS spectrum of the Au 4f band. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectrum (Figure 1d) shows the existence of C, N, O, and Au in the BSA-Au nanocomplexes. The peaks of www.selleckchem.com/products/idasanutlin-rg-7388.html C, N, and O elements are due to the presence of BSA.
The inset spectrum of the Au 4f band confirms the presence of the Au element in the products. The FT-IR spectrum of the BSA-Au nanocomplex is similar to that of BSA (Additional file 1: Figure S2), which indicates that the BSA plays a direction role in the reaction progress. Figure 2 shows the UV–vis spectra of pure BSA, BSA-AuCl4 −, and BSA-Au nanocomplexes. The pure BSA has two characteristic absorption peaks at 192 and 280 nm; the former is assigned to the transition of P→P* of BSA’s characteristic polypeptide backbone structure C=O, and the latter is ascribed to the π→π* transition Immune system of the aromatic amino acid residues [10]. When the BSA-AuCl4 − complexes were formed, the two characteristic absorption peaks of BSA shift to 220 and 291 nm, respectively. Meanwhile, the intensity of the peak at 291 nm displayed a significant enhancement. These changes can be attributed to the chelation between AuCl4 − ions and BSA molecules and suggested that the conformation of the secondary structures of BSA had some changes. After the BSA-Au nanocomplexes were generated, the sites of two characteristic absorption peaks reverted to the original sites, which indicated that some groups were freed from the interaction between the AuCl4 − ions and BSA molecules.