9%) institutions in N= 14 (61%) of the 23 countries] Unmodified: 36% unmodified always 19% unmodified, ranging from 1–98% of the time Modified: 45% always modified Anesthesia: 30% institutions used anesthetic agents (thiopental, propofol, sevoflurane, diazepam, thiamylal, flunitrazepam, methohexital) without muscle relaxant Date: 2001–2003 Other: Large BYL719 purchase variation in Asian countries Unmodified in 36% and sine wave in 42% of institutions Only 45% always modified, that is,. never unmodified N= 8 of 141 (5.7%) institutions (four Japan, three Malaysia,
one South Korea used Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical routinely succinylcholine muscle relaxant without anesthesia Devices: 58% (115/197) institutions brief-pulse ECT devices Placement: 77% BL Monitoring: 23% of institutions used EEG Katmandu, Nepal (C) 114 Ahikari SR (Ahikari et al. 2008) Study: Naturalistic prospective hospital (Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital) study. N= 210 hospital admitted patients N= 47 ECT treated Date: May 2005 to April 2006 Time span: Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical One year Diagnoses: 34% schizophrenia, psychotic disorder 23% severe (major) depression 28% bipolar depression 15% other Gender: 28% women Age, years in groups: 11%, 10–19 57%, 20–29 19%, 30–39 6%, 40–49 6%, 50–59 Other: Psychotropic drugs used concurrently iP: 22% AvE: 6 (range 2–16) Modified Anesthesia: Propofol or Sodium Thiopental plus Succinylcholine
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical muscle relaxant Device: ECTON constant current brief-pulse ECT device, manufactured by RMS, Chandigarh, India. Type: All brief pulse in study Hong Kong (C) 2296 Chung KF (Chung 2003) Study: Prospective Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical questionnaire survey of treated patients to all public hospitals with ECT treatment facilities 40 public hospitals in Hong Kong, and nine of 13 inpatient psychiatric services with ECT treatment facilities N= 167 ECT-treated patients Diagnoses (for N= 164): 40% depression 23% schizophrenia 19% bipolar, manic or mixed 10% bipolar, depressed 9% schizoaffective 1% acute or transient psychotic disorder Indications: Mainly failure
to respond to alternative treatment, Side effects: Memory outcome: Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Idoxuridine 1% much worse 24% worse 71% no change 4% improved Outcome: 83% Much or very much improved 13% minimally improved 2% no change 3% worse TPR: 0.27–0.34 iP: 1.3–1.8% AvE: 7.7 Range 5–8 A-ECT and C-ECT: Rarely used No information about anesthesia Devices: All Mecta US domestic version SR1 except one facility using Mecta Spectrum 5000M. Placement: 77% BL 119 22% UL 34 1% mixed Date: April 2001 to March 2002 Time span: One year Gender: 68% women Age, year groups: 3%, <16 2%, 16–7 11%, 18–24 44%, 25–44 25%, 45–64 14%, 65–80 1%, >80 (total 15% >65 years) Conditions: 13% Involuntary (judged incapable of giving informed consent) Hong Kong (C) 441 Chung KF (Chung et al. 2003) Study: Survey, (postal questionnaire and site visit) to public inpatient psychiatric units in Hong Kong.