Agrawal, Panigrahi and Tiwari [20] in a recent paper proposed a fuzzy clustering-based PSO algorithm to solve the highly constrained environmental/economic dispatch problem involving conflicting objectives.There exists an extensive literature on improving the performance of the PSO algorithm. This has been undertaken by two alternative approaches. First, the researchers are keen to improve swarm behavior by selecting the appropriate form of the swarm dynamics. Alternatively, considering a given form of particle dynamics, researchers experimentally, or theoretically, attempted to find the optimal settings of the range of parameters to improve PSO behavior.
In this paper, we adopt the first policy to determine a suitable dynamics, and then attempted to empirically determine the optimal parameter settings.
The classical PSO dynamics adapts the velocity of individual particles by considering the inertia of the particle and the position of local and global attractors. The positions of the attractors are also adapted over the iterations of the algorithm. The motion of the particles thus continues until most of the particles converge in the close vicinity of the global optima. In this paper, we consider different versions of the swarm dynamics to study the relative performance of the PSO algorithm both from the point of view of accuracy and convergence time.The formal basis of our study originates from the well-known Lyapunov’s theorem of classical control theory.
Entinostat The Lyapunov’s theorem is widely used in nonlinear system analysis to determine the necessary conditions for stability of a dynamical system.
In this paper, we indirectly used Lyapunov’s stability theorem to determine a dynamics that necessarily converges to an optima of the Lyapunov-like search landscape. The principles of guiding particle dynamics towards the global and local optima, here too, is ensured by adding local and global attractor terms to the modified PSO dynamics. The rationale of selecting a dynamics that converges at one of the optima on a multimodal Carfilzomib surface, and the principle of forcing the dynamics to move towards local and global optima together makes it attractive for use in continuous nonlinear optimization.
There are, however, search landscapes that do not possess the necessary characteristics of a Lyapunov surface. This calls for an alternative dynamics, which maintains the motivation of this research but can avoid the restriction on the objective function to necessarily be Lyapunov-like. A look at the dynamics constructed for Lyapunov-like benchmark functions essentially reveals an inclusion of a negative position term in the velocity adaptation rule.