Answers to these questions might provide insight into the reasons

Answers to these questions might provide insight into the reasons why mammalian regeneration in the retina and inner ear are so limited. What have we learned from studies of regeneration in the systems capable of this process to inform our future progress in promoting regeneration in the mammalian retina and auditory/vestibular epithelia? Despite many years of study, it has proven to be very difficult to stimulate regeneration in an organ without any ongoing replacement or addition of sensory receptor cells, like the mammalian retina or inner ear.

Nevertheless, we have really only scratched the surface in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying successful regeneration, such as that in the olfactory epithelium. The studies of regeneration in both the retina and the inner ear have shown that cell proliferation is quite limited in the species that do not regenerate their sensory receptors in these organs. There are few, if any, mitotic cells in buy AZD5363 Selleckchem I BET 762 the mouse retina or cochlea after photoreceptor or hair cell damage, respectively. At least some of the regulators of proliferation have been identified in these structures;

proliferation of support cells and Müller glia in both the inner ear and the retina is regulated in part by the Cdki, p27kip1, and the tumor suppressor, Rb. Loss of p27kip1 leads to extra cell divisions in the Müller glia and inner ear support cells in mice, though the number of mitotic divisions is still very limited. Studies not in other systems suggest that multiple pathways may need to be targeted to stimulate proliferation in otherwise quiescent tissues (Pajcini et al., 2010). More importantly, the new cells that

are produced in the retina and inner ear of mammals, even when the proliferation is stimulated, for the most part do not generate sensory receptor cells. Simply getting the cells to divide again is not sufficient for regeneration; some reprogramming appears to be necessary for regeneration. The reprogramming or transdifferentiation that occurs naturally during regeneration in the retinas of fish and newts involves the silencing of glial/RPE genes and the reactivation of a progenitor gene expression program. However, the molecular mechanisms that maintain cell identity are still not very well understood and further research into the epigenetic response of cells to injury and during regeneration is warranted. The degree of reprogramming that takes place in the retinas of these animals does not appear to be required in the inner ear, where the support cells seem poised to activate Atoh1 expression. Several rounds of cell division might be needed to effectively reprogram the RPE cells or the Müller glia, whereas no cell division at all is required in the inner ear of fish and chicks. In both the retina and the inner ear, Notch signaling also plays a role in regeneration. In the olfactory epithelium, the Notch pathway is upregulated after damage.

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