Diagnoses were established according to the WHO

Diagnoses were established according to the WHO criteria [26]. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the ethical guidelines of the Charite University School of Medicine, which approved this study. DNA extraction Mononuclear cells from BM aspirates were isolated using Ficoll density gradient centrifugation as described [27]. DNA was extracted using Allprep DNA/RNA mini kit (Qiagen) as per the manufacturer’s PERK modulator inhibitor instructions. ARMS analysis of IDH2-R140Q mutations All primers were designed using Primer

3 Software (Additional file 2: Table S2). ARMS analysis was performed using 2 control primers flanking exon 23 and 2 allele-specific primers IDH2-RI and IDH2-FI that are complementary to the wild-type (wt) and mutated alleles, respectively. To enhance specificity, both the primers had an additional

medium mismatch at the preliminary base. The PCR mixture and reaction conditions are specified in the Additional file 3: PCR reaction mixtures and conditions. The generated PCR products were analysed on a 1.5% agarose gel. Endonuclease Combretastatin A4 restriction analysis of DNMT3A-R882H mutations PCR amplification for endonuclease restriction analysis was conducted using primers DNMT3A-ResF/R (Additional SAHA HDAC nmr file 2: Table S2). PCR reaction mixture was prepared as that described for ARMS assay. The reaction conditions are specified in the Additional file 3. In all, 10 μl of the PCR product was directly applied for endonuclease treatment with 1 μl Fnu4HI and 5 μl of CutSmart Buffer (New England Biolabs). After incubation at 37°C for 15 min products were analysed on a 1.5% agarose gel containing 10% ethidium bromide (voltage 150 V). HRM assay The reaction mixture and HRM conditions are specified in the Additional file 3. The analysis was performed in a Rotor Gene 6000 Real-Time PCR Cycler (Qiagen). Samples, including a control sample for each mutation and wt allele, were analysed in duplicates.

For DNMT3A and IDH2, the wt allele was used Resminostat for normalisation, while for IDH1 R132C mutation control was used as the baseline. Normalisation regions for the optimal detection of DNMT3A were 82°C-83°C (leading range) and 87°C-88°C (trailing range), for the optimal detection of IDH1 were 73°C-74°C (leading range) and 82°C-83°C (trailing range) and for the optimal detection of IDH2 were 77°C-78°C (leading range) and 87°C-88°C (trailing range). Confidence threshold was set to 70% for all the genes. DNA sequencing All the primers used for sequencing are listed in the Additional file 2: Table S2. All PCR reaction conditions are specified in the Additional file 3. The obtained products were purified using the PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen), as described in the manual. Sequencing reaction was performed using Big Dye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems). The sequencing products were purified using DyeEx 2.0 Spin Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

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