In case of detection of amylase, the starch agar medium plate was

In case of detection of amylase, the starch agar medium plate was flooded with 1% iodine solution, to observe the zone of hydrolysis. The bacterium, 2b, found to produce maximum zone of hydrolysis around the colony on the casein agar medium and on starch agar medium was selected for further study. The isolate was maintained Capmatinib solubility dmso on Horikoshi medium slants (pH 10.0) and stored at 4 °C. The morphological characteristics of the selected isolate 2b obtained

on Horikoshi’s –I (pH 10.0) agar plates were studied. The shape, size and arrangement of the cells were studied in Gram-stained preparations. Endospore staining was carried out according to the method of Schaeffer and Fulton.8 Motility of 12 and 24 h old cells was observed by phase contrast microscopy of hanging-drop preparations. Growth experiments at pH 7–11 were performed on Horikoshi I broth adjusted to various pH SCH772984 order values: pH 7–9 (adjusted by adding NaHCO3) and pH 10–11 (adjusted by adding). Growth at various NaCl concentrations (2–10%) and at various temperatures (4–55 °C) was investigated in Horikoshi I broth (pH 10.0). Acid production from carbohydrates was determined by the method of using thymol blue instead of bromothymol blue at pH 10.0 9 and 10. Physiological and biochemical tests such as indole production from tryptophan, methyl-red and Voges–Proskauer

tests, Simmons’ citrate utilization test, catalase and oxidase activity, urea hydrolysis, production of H2S from cysteine, nitrate reduction to nitrite, hydrolysis of casein, gelatin and starch were examined

according to Smibert and Krieg.11 The taxonomic status of the selected bacterium 2b was identified following the criteria laid down by Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.12 The identification was further confirmed by Microbial Type Culture Collection Center and Gene Bank (MTCC), Institute of Microbial Technology, (IMTECH), Chandigarh, India. The 16S RNA gene sequencing of the isolate was performed by National Center for Cell Sciences (NCCS), Pune, India. The purified PCR product of 16sr RNA was sequenced using ABI Prism. The sequence obtained was BLAST searched Phosphoprotein phosphatase and compared with sequences of other closely related members of genus Bacillus retrieved from GenBank database. Phylogenetic tree was constructed from 16S rRNA gene sequences of members of genus Bacillus using neighbour-joining method. 13 The analysis involved 39 nucleotide sequences of genus Bacillus. The sequence so obtained was taken up for running NCBI BLAST against nonredundant nucleotide database using megablast algorithm for getting homologous sequences14 and 15. Sequences showing a relevant degree of similarity were imported into the CLUSTAL W program16 and multiple sequence alignment was performed. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by different treeing algorithms: neighbour-joining,13 maximum parsimony tree17 and maximum-likelihood18 and UPGMA method19 using MEGA5.

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