m = 1 in the saturated

m = 1 in the saturated OSI-027 purchase state, and the above equation becomes MR = P 2/(1 + P 2). The RT spin polarization in the tunneling

regime calculated from the MR value of 8.1% is approximately 30%, which is very close to the 35% of the bulk Co metal determined by tunneling [24]. This large RT spin polarization indicates that the transport of polarized carriers in the semiconductor ZnO is very efficient in our films. We focus on the electron transport properties in different regimes. We begin by discussing the intermediate regime (tunneling regime). Figure 5a shows the temperature dependence of the resistivity of sample B, which attests to a semiconductor behavior. As shown in the inset of Figure 5a, from the ln ρ vs T −1/2 plot, it can been seen that ln ρ is almost linear to T −1/2, which is a typical characteristic of interparticle spin-dependent tunneling in metal/insulator granular films [25, 26]. To investigate the transport mechanism further, we convert the temperature

dependence of resistivity to the temperature dependence of Anlotinib cell line conductivity (G), as shown in Figure 5b. The data were normalized to the conductivity at T = 5 K. For T < 130 K, the interparticle tunneling conductivity of sample B as a function of temperature can be fitted well by the following equation [23, 27]: (1) where G tun is the tunneling conductivity, G 0 is a free parameter, Δ = 4E/k B , E is the tunneling activation energy, and k B is the Boltzmann constant. That is, the ZnO matrix behaves as a tunneling barrier find more between Co nanoparticles, and the MR effect originates from interparticle spin-dependent tunneling. When T > 130 K, the conductivity starts to deviate slightly from Equation 1. This phenomenon suggests that G tun is not the only conduction mechanism at high temperature, which may result from the essential physics of the conductance in the presence of localized states within the ZnO matrix. A power-law temperature dependence of conductivity, which is a characteristic of higher-order inelastic Alanine-glyoxylate transaminase hopping, can be used at high temperature to fit the experimental

data of sample B. The expression is as follows [28]: (2) where G 0 and C are free parameters, γ = N − [ N/(N + 1)], N is the number of localized states in the barriers, and G hop is the spin-independent higher-order inelastic hopping conductivity. Equation 2 fits our experimental data well with γ = 1.33 (N = 2) at high temperatures, as shown in Figure 5b. At high temperature, the conduction in sample B mainly contains two channels: the tunneling channel and the second-order hopping. The suppression of spin-dependent contribution to the conductance can result in a decrease in the MR at high temperature when a spin-independent channel (i.e., higher-order inelastic hopping) influences the conductivity.

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