Many of these microsatellites have 10 or more sizes, each different size constituting an allele that can be traced through a family to determine if the allele segregates with illness. Consider the following
kindred, in which father has BP disorder and mother is unaffected. At some anonymous DNA marker, father has alleles 1,2; mother has alleles 3,4. It can be seen that allele 1 is transmitted with illness and allele 2 is transmitted to the unaffected children. The probability that father will transmit allele 1 to each child is 50%. A LOD (logarithm of odds of linkage) score statistic assesses the probability that, within a family, cosegregation of illness and a marker allele has occurred randomly, versus the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical probability that the cosegregation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of illness and a marker allele has occurred because the marker allele is located near a selleck inhibitor disease gene on the same chromosome, such that the two are transmitted together more often than expected by chance
(=50%). LOD score calculations require specification of the disease allele frequency in the population, the mode of inheritance (dominant or recessive or some intermediate model), and the penetrance. If the mode of inheritance is rnisspecified, then the LOD score may not detect linkage when it is present,35For BP disorders, of course, none of these parameters are known. In practice, investigators usually calculate LOD scores under dominant and recessive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical models of inheritance Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with reduced penetrance. A LOD score numerical value of 3 occurs 1 to 2 times randomly whenever die entire genome is searched for linkage.36 Another useful statistic in complex trait analysis is the affected sibling pair (ASP) calculation. This statistic relies on the fact that pairs of siblings will share 50% of their alleles randomly. The distribution of this allele sharing randomly assumes the following pattern: Number of alleles shared: 0 1 2 Percentage of all sibling pairs: 25% 50% 25% Pairs of affected siblings will tend to share alleles to a greater extent when the DNA marker alleles are located near a disease gene Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that contributes to the illness in the affected siblings
pairs. Consider the affected siblings in much the pedigree diagram above. Four affected sibling pairs share 1 allele and 2 pairs share 2 alleles, but none share 0 alleles. This skewing of the expected random distribution of allele sharing towards greater sharing is consistent with the hypothesis that the DNA marker is located near a BP susceptibility gene (ie, linkage is present). This method can be extended to all pairs of affected relatives.37-39 These statistics do not require specification of the mode of inheritance, penetrance, or disease allele frequency, as is necessary for the LOD score method. Because these affected relative statistics do not require specification of these parameters, they are often described as nonparametric methods.