Our observations in Experiment I suggest that orientation process

Our observations in Experiment I suggest that orientation processing in the spatiotopic reference frame can be modified by learning in favor of the trained stimulus relation and orientation. As neurons in the early

visual cortex are highly orientation-selective and are putatively engaged in encoding information about oriented lines on a retinotopic map (Hubel & Wiesel, 1959), we speculate that spatiotopic orientation representation could directly use such a retinotopic map. This hypothesis was tested by examining the relationship between spatiotopic and retinotopic location specificity of learning. Two groups of naive subjects were trained at 55° stimulus orientation under the congruent condition, in which the two successively displayed stimuli were centered on the screen. Roxadustat purchase During the training period, the second stimulus in a trial BGB324 manufacturer always fell in the left visual field (LVF) for one group of subjects, owing to a rightward saccade (first column in Fig. 2A, Group_LVF subjects, n = 6), but for the other group of subjects it always fell in the right visual field (RVF), owing to a leftward saccade (third column in Fig. 2A, Group_RVF subjects, n = 6). To examine

whether the spatiotopic learning effect observed in Experiment I could transfer to the opposite, untrained visual field, in the post-training test the subjects’ thresholds were measured

under four conditions that combined the trained and Sinomenine untrained visual fields with the trained (congruent) and untrained (incongruent) stimulus relations. Consistent with Experiment I, the mean thresholds in the trained (congruent) condition significantly decreased in both Group_LVF (pre-training threshold 7.84° ± 0.53° vs. post-training threshold 4.41° ± 0.32°, t = 6.00, P = 0.0019, paired t-test) and Group_RVF (pre-training threshold 7.53° ± 0.53° vs. post-training threshold 4.58° ± 0.27°, t = 9.54, P = 2.2 × 10−4). The post-training performance was better than in the untrained (incongruent) condition at the trained visual field location (t = 4.91, P = 4.7 × 10−4, left panel in Fig. 2B, pooled data from both groups of subjects, n = 12; for data from individual subjects, see Fig. 2C, left panel). For individual subjects, nine of 12 showed a significant spatiotopic preference in the post-training test (bootstrapping, P < 0.05). If the spatiotopic learning effect was independent of the trained retinal location, it would transfer to the opposite, untrained visual field. Contrary to this hypothesis, in the untrained hemifield there was no significant difference in threshold between the trained and untrained stimulus relations (t = 0.52, P = 0.61, right panel in Fig. 2B; for data from individual subjects, see Fig. 2C, right panel).

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