Outbred CD1 exhibit either Balb/c-like or C57Bl/6-like spinotrape

Outbred CD1 exhibit either Balb/c-like or C57Bl/6-like spinotrapezius angioarchitecture, predictive

of response to arteriolar ligation. Conclusions:  This collateral capillary arterialization process may explain the reported longer time required for blood flow recovery in Balb/c hindlimb ischemia, as low-resistance blood flow pathways along capillary conduits must be formed (“arterialization”) selleck chemicals llc before reperfusion. “
“Please cite this paper as: Al-Khazraji BK, Novielli NM, Goldman D, Medeiros PJ, Jackson DN. A simple “Streak Length Method” for quantifying and characterizing red blood cell velocity profiles and blood flow in rat skeletal muscle arterioles. Microcirculation 19: 327–335, learn more 2012. Objectives:  To develop a valid experimental method for quantifying blood flow in continuously branching skeletal muscle arterioles, and to derive an empirical relationship between velocity

ratio (VMax/VMean) and arteriolar diameter. Methods:  We evaluated arteriolar trees using IVVM of rat gluteus maximus muscle and developed a method to acquire single fluorescent-labeled RBC velocities across arteriolar lumens to create velocity profiles. These data were used to calculate the blood flow for 37 vessel segments (diameters: 21–115 μm). Results:  Mass balance at arteriolar bifurcations had 0.6 ± 3.2% Pyruvate dehydrogenase error. Velocity ratios ranged from 1.35 to 1.98 and were positively correlated with diameter (p < 0.0001), and VRBC profiles were blunted with decreasing diameter. Conclusions:  We present a means for quantifying blood flow in continuously branching skeletal muscle arterioles. Further, we provide an equation for calculating

velocity ratios based on arteriolar diameter, which may be used by others for blood flow calculations. “
“Please cite this paper as: Fedosov, Caswell, Popel and Karniadakis (2010). Blood Flow and Cell-Free Layer in Microvessels. Microcirculation17(8), 615–628. Blood is modeled as a suspension of red blood cells using the dissipative particle dynamics method. The red blood cell membrane is coarse-grained for efficient simulations of multiple cells, yet accurately describes its viscoelastic properties. Blood flow in microtubes ranging from 10 to 40 μm in diameter is simulated in three dimensions for values of hematocrit in the range of 0.15–0.45 and carefully compared with available experimental data. Velocity profiles for different hematocrit values show an increase in bluntness with an increase in hematocrit. Red blood cell center-of-mass distributions demonstrate cell migration away from the wall to the tube center. This results in the formation of a cell-free layer next to the tube wall corresponding to the experimentally observed Fahraeus and Fahraeus–Lindqvist effects.

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