Regardless, such high values are probably greatly excessive for Montserrat where no permanent rivers exist. For the purposes of the recharge models presented here, no run-off was generated. Despite high rainfall on Montserrat, the network of deeply incised radial valleys (ghauts) that drain the island’s steep flanks are predominantly ephemeral. The only permanent streams are sourced from springs at elevations between 200 and 400 m (amsl) (Fig. 12 and Fig.
13). The springs feed losing streams; flow infiltrates into the stream bed and flows to the sea as groundwater. There are a few broader drainage channels, such as the SD-208 concentration Belham and Farm Rivers, to the east and west respectively, between CH and SHV, and Carr’s and Little Bays in the north of the island. Aquifers within major drainage valleys and in alluvial sediments in the vicinity of the old capital, Plymouth, have been explored for groundwater water production in the past, with varying degrees of success (Ramdin and Hosein, 1995, Maxim Engineering, 1995 and Davies and Peart, 2003).
Most of the wells were shallow (<50 m) and low yielding (<2 L/s) (Davies IDH inhibitor and Peart, 2003). Prior to the onset of eruptive activity in 1995 (see Section 2), the water demand of the population of approximately 11,000 was met by selected springs on both CH and SHV (Fig. 12), supplemented by a number of variable quality (chemistry and yield) wells. Concern over declining spring production in the early 1990s, and increasing occurrence of high chloride levels in the more coastal well waters prompted investigation into the potential for further groundwater development. Six wells were drilled in the Belham Valley in 1996; one demonstrated artesian flow at 1 L/s and provided a pumped yield of 3.9 L/s (Davies and Peart, 2003). Like many of the valleys in the south on Montserrat, Belham Valley has been inundated with lahars and pyroclastic Glutamate dehydrogenase deposits
since the onset of eruptive activity at SHV. In 2007, fill accumulation from lahars in the lower Belham Valley since 1995 was estimated to be between 10 and 15 m (Donnelly, 2007). By 2003, after 8 years of volcanic activity, all wells in the Belham as well as springs on SHV were lost, buried under the young volcaniclastic and lahar deposits from SHV. Abandonment and infilling also took all the other wells out of supply. In 2004 HydroSource Associates managed a project drilling three wells targeting the productive, artesian aquifer in the Belham Valley (MBV1 and MBV2 in Fig. 12) (HydroSource, 2004). The three wells tap a confined aquifer in reworked gravels and alluvial deposits between 15 and 38 m below mean sea level, confined by a thin (1 m) cap of low permeability clay and lahar deposits beneath a thicker (12 m) lahar deposit.