Regular sleep-wake timing is correlated with better mood, cognitive function, and alertness. Thus, light has a much broader application than just for its original use in seasonal affective disorder—it is the most important zeitgeber for our internal clock and can be applied (in combination with usual treatment) to many different syndromes. Good response to light has been found in antepartum
depression, geriatric depression and Alzheimer’s disease, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical bulimia, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, to select but a few recent findings. Applications have even broadened beyond psychiatry, to Parkinson’s disease in neurology and sleep-wake cycle disturbances in internal medicine, eg, kidney transplant recipients or patients with liver cirrhosis. The extent of potential application is far from having been defined; it is important that studies with light follow the same stringent randomized design
and analyses as trials of a new drug, to attain acceptance Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as a valid treatment option. In major affective disorder, light therapy is slowly gaining acceptance beyond only winter depression, though it still remains for the official committees developing treatment guidelines Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to include it under main strategies and not in the last section of “alternative possibilities.” The same applies to the still little-used treatment of sleep deprivation (“wake therapy”), for which a 40 year body of evidence demonstrates rapid efficacy. More recently, it has been shown that combination with light or medication Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical can prevent relapse after recovery sleep. Shifting sleep earlier (phase advance) has a slower, but longer-lasting antidepressant effect. This field, designated chronotherapeutics, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical has accumulated data documenting good response in difficult-to-treat conditions such as bipolar, chronic, or therapy-resistant depression. Moreover, it appears that a short chronotherapeutics combination over only a few days can yield
long-lasting improvement and diminish relapse rates months thereafter. The pineal hormone melatonin is also part of the chronotherapeutics armamentarium. CH5424802 datasheet Parallel to the dual effects those of light to shift the dock and promote alertness, melatonin—as a signal of darkness—shifts the clock and Induces sleepiness. Melatonin agonists have similar properties. Darkness itself (in the form of an enforced long night., or by means of blue-blocking glasses) has remarkable effects on rapid-cycling in bipolar patients, or as anlimanie treatment. Even though most research has been done on light, we should not forget the importance of darkness, particularly in hospital environments, to strengthen the zeitgeber signal at night. As described by Benedetti in this issue (p 401), it is time that the neglected or “orphan” chronotherapeutics is recognized as a powerful clinical instrument in everyday psychiatric practice.