rij} According to this ranking, it is possible to determine the

rij} According to this ranking, it is possible to determine the status of each health network. By continuing this method for comparing all networks with each other in which the annual cost and staff number are indicators, the study units (health networks) are ranked on the health indicators’ point

of view in comparison with expending costs and staff numbers. In this study, the research community consisted of all health centers (23 counties and 224 rural centers) affiliated to Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, capital of Fars province (table 1). Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Table 1 Comparison of the average percent change in health unit indices and the cost of each percent change Since some centers such as Farashband, Khonj, Mohr, Pasargad, and Enghelab were merged in other centers in 2004, in order

to compare their costs and health indicators in 2006 with 2004, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the merged information was taken into account. Therefore, the total number of health centers was decreased to 18. Results The results of this study are Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical presented according to Coordinating, Family Health, Disease Prevention, and Environmental and Occupational Health units during 2004 to 2006, before and after performing the family physician plan. Data analysis revealed that indicators in Coordinating Units have increased substantially in 2006 compared with that of 2004. The highest increment was detected in the city of Arsenjan with a 43108.8% increase since 2004 and the least was detected in Khorambid with a 82.82% increase since 2004 (table 1). Among the investigated units, the highest increase in indices was related to the Coordinating Units. Moreover, in Family Health Units, the studied indices grew Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in all the health networks in 2006 compared with Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the baseline. The highest increase was detected in Firoozabad and Farashband with a 2520.7% increase

and the lowest value was detected in city of Abade with 44.85% increase from the baseline in 2004. We found a significant difference between the increase in indices in cities such as Shiraz, already Marvdasht, Kazeroon, Mohr, and Lamerd with other cities such as Khorambid and Arsenjan. The most significant difference before and after the implementation of the program was found in Firoozabad (BIBF 1120 ic50 figure 1). Figure 1 This figure shows the comparison of the cost efficiency of the family physician plan among the health networks of Fars province. The vertical line depicts the ranking of health units score of the studied health networks outputs (health indices) and inputs … The comparison of Disease Prevention Units before and after the family physician plan showed that 73% of investigated health networks in 2006 had a better performance compared with 2004. The most significant increase was related to Mamasani (207.75%) and the least significant one was associated with Kazeroon (11.48%).

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