Table 1 Summary of adverse events Risedronate 5-mg daily 150-mg once a month (N = 642) (N = 650) n (%) n (%) AEs 554 (86.3) 578 (88.9) Serious AEs 51 (7.9) 77 (11.8) Deaths 4 (0.6) 0 Withdrawn due to an AE 84 (13.1) 80 (12.3) Most common AE associated with withdrawal Gastrointestinal disorder 49 (7.6) 47 (7.2) Most common AEs Influenza 57 (8.9) 94 (14.5) Nasopharyngitis 62 (9.7) 70 (10.8) Diarrhea 43 (6.7) 69 (10.6) Arthralgia 68 (10.6) 65 (10.0) Back pain 80 (12.5) 65 (10.0) Bronchitis 68 (10.6) 57 (8.8) AEs of special interest Clinical vertebral fracture 6 (0.9) 4 (0.6) Nonvertebral fracture 25 (3.9) 28 (4.3)
Upper gastrointestinal tract AEs Lenvatinib cell line 148 (23.1) 169 (26.0) Selected musculoskeletal AEsa 172 (26.8) 163 (25.1) Atrial fibrillation 1 (0.2) 3 (0.5) Neoplasmsb 23 (3.6) 25 (3.8) aIncludes arthralgia, back pain, bone pain, musculoskeletal pain, musculoskeletal discomfort, myalgia, and neck pain bIncludes benign and malignant neoplasms, polyps, and
cysts AE adverse event Adverse events of special interest for bisphosphonates (clinical vertebral and nonvertebral fractures, upper gastrointestinal tract adverse events, and musculoskeletal adverse events) were reported by similar proportions of subjects in both treatment groups (Table 1). The incidence of atrial fibrillation reported as either an adverse event Ruxolitinib concentration or a serious adverse event was low and similar between groups (Table 1). ZD1839 in vitro There were no reported cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw. The number of subjects who developed a neoplasm did not differ by treatment group
(Table 1). Results of clinical chemistry and other laboratory measurements, including measures of hepatic and renal function, were similar in both treatment groups. Discussion Risedronate is a widely used osteoporosis treatment with proven vertebral and nonvertebral antifracture efficacy and a minimum wait of 30 min after dosing before eating or drinking anything other than water. A 5-mg daily regimen was developed originally, but less frequent dose regimens have now been developed. This study was a preplanned 2-year study comparing a dose of risedronate 150-mg once a month to the 5-mg daily dose. These 2-year data show that the 150-mg once-a-month dose continues to produce clinical effects that are similar to those seen with the 5-mg daily dose. Specifically, the mean percent change in lumbar spine BMD at 24 months in the monthly group was non-inferior to the mean percent change in lumbar spine BMD in the daily group. Changes in secondary efficacy parameters, including BMD at the hip, bone turnover markers at endpoint, and morphometric vertebral fractures, were also similar in both groups.