The deeper nearshore sampling points were located at depths of 7 

The deeper nearshore sampling points were located at depths of 7 m and 10 m (Figure 2). The paper includes the results of the grain-size analysis of 263 samples by dry sieving in an Eko-Lab analyser with 0.5 φ mesh sieves (from

4 to 0.004 mm). The lithodynamic indices – mean (MG), sorting (σG), skewness (SkG) and kurtosis (KG) – were calculated using the method of Folk & Ward (1957), which is the most accurate for sandy deposits in the marine coastal zone ( Racinowski et al. 2001) ( Tables 1 and 2). Grain-size values were calculated with the Gradistat program ( Blott & Pye 2001). The lithodynamic interpretation of all grain-size indices was done on the basis of the confidence interval calculated for the standard deviation of the mean (MG), sorting (σG), skewness (SkG) and kurtosis (KG), BGB324 in vitro with the confidence level of 90%. Passega C/M (1964) and Hjulström (1935) diagrams were constructed. The comparison was carried out on the mean (MG) and sorting (σG) of the samples collected from the shore by two different methods ( Figure 2). Lithological data were interpolated by kriging in Golden Software Surfer Selleckchem NU7441 8.0. The shore zone of the Vistula Spit consists of one or two (profiles 16p, 5mv, 3mv, 3a, 8a, 9a, 10a) foredunes developed to various degrees (Figure 3). In the north-eastern part of the Vistula Spit, on the 400 m long shore adjacent to the Strait

of Baltiysk, there are no foredunes owing to intensive erosion. In the south-western part of the Spit, the shore is represented by older, afforested dunes, with a relative height of 5.1–14 m STK38 (profiles 6a–10a, Figure 3). In the remaining area, between profiles 5p and 6a, the relative height of the foredune ranges between 4 and 9 m (Figure 3). At the base of the foredune, the 1–3.5 m high initial dunes are formed locally (profiles 16p, 5mv, 3mv, 3a, 8a–10a). The slope of the foredune is 3° near the Strait

of Baltiysk (profile 3p), 9.5°–13° on profiles 6mv, 5mv and 5a, and 24–30° on profiles 10p and 7a. The beach along the Vistula Spit is from 10 m (profile 3p) to 43–45 m (profiles 1mv, 6a) wide and from 1 m (profile 3p) to 3 m (profiles 5p–13p, 1mv, 10a) high. The slope of the beach is from 2.7°–2.9° (profiles 3mv, 4mv, 6a) to 6.4°–6.7° (profiles 13p, 9a). The system of one (profiles 1a–2a and 7a–10a) or two longshore bars is located in the nearshore (Figure 3). One longshore bar with a height from 0.3 m (profile 10p) to 2.6 m (profiles 13p and 1a) is separated from the shore by a trough located 80–100 m from the shoreline, at depths of 3.5–4.8 m (Figure 3). In the nearshore with two 0.5–1.9 m high bars, the trough separating the first bar from the shoreline is located closer to the shore (10–70 m), at depths of 2.2–3.4 m (profiles 3a–6a, Figure 3). The 3.6–5.7 m deep trough that separates the first and the second longshore bar is located 173–280 m from the shoreline (Figure 3).

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