The paucity of collagenesis and microangiogenesis in nonpolypoid adenomas suggest that these 2 molecular signals are either inadequately or not elaborated, elaborated but not released, or locally abrogated.18 Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) are often seen in polypoid and nonpolypoid adenomas. Nonpolypoid adenomas with HGD contain more IELs than those with LGD, implying that the degree of IEL infiltration increases with increasing degree of dysplastic severity and/or with the increasing biologic age of the adenoma. Notably, 38% of the nonpolypoid adenomas exhibited a subjacent lymphoid aggregate.19
It is not inconceivable that lymphoid aggregates might evolve as an immunologic mucosal response, as do occur in newly formed lymphoid aggregates in CC.20 Intraepithelial granules CP-868596 price (Leuchtenberger bodies) are often found in polypoid and nonpolypoid adenomas. In a survey, 84% of the nonpolypoid (flat) adenomas exhibited apoptotic granules. The overwhelming majority of the apoptotic granules
were seen in the subnuclear basal aspect of the dysplastic cells facing the basement membrane, denoting that the cells responsible for the apoptotic granules were to be found in the vicinity of the lamina propria normally infiltrated by lymphocytes.21 Direct immunoperoxidase detection of nuclear DNA fragmentation and transmission electron microscopy comfirmed that these DNA-containing bodies were apoptotic (nuclear) Ganetespib price fragments from disintegrated lymphocytes, and not nuclear remnants from dead dysplastic cells.22 In fact, dysplastic cells remained undamaged (as deduced from transmission electronmicroscopy and nuclear DNA proliferation markers). Semiquantitative Etomidate assessments of apoptotic granules showed that the number of flat adenomas with excessive granular density was highest amongst those with HGD. Hence, apoptosis in nonpolypoid adenomas might express a mechanism of cell defense, whereby neoplastic cells inflict
apoptosis on IEL in advanced nonpolypoid adenomas, through the Fas-FasL pathway.23 Importantly, the frequency of apoptotic granules in flat adenomas is similar in Japan and Sweden, implying that apoptosis in those lesions neither is influenced by race nor by the environment. The authors demonstrated a low K-ras mutation rate in flat adenomas. Cancers arising de novo were significantly associated with loss of heterozygosity at chromosome 3p. 24 The chronologic appearance of flat adenomas was traced in a cohort of rats injected with dimethylhydrazine (DMH). Flat adenomas developed earlier (week 13) than polypoid adenomas (week 15). Flat adenomas were more numerous on week 19, whereas polypoid adenomas were more numerous on week 22.