While understanding and use kinase inhibitor FTY720 of EBM is widely accepted as a core competency of clinical practice, this is the first study to explore understanding and barriers to use in radiology. We conducted interviews until little or no new concepts were emerging from subsequent interviews (theoretical saturation), and included participants
from a range of demographic characteristics, years of practice in radiology, and EBM training. Also, participants were asked to provide feedback on the preliminary findings (member checking). However, our study has potential limitations. Participants were recruited from Australia and New Zealand therefore the transferability of the findings to other regions may be limited, although similar barriers have been identified in studies conducted in
different settings,16 suggesting broader applicability. The acquisition and application of EBM skills including literature searching, critical appraisal of articles and interpretation of diagnostic tests and their limitations is essential to competent clinical care.12 Several resources have been published in radiology literature.12 17 However, barriers related to the availability and access to evidence, unmet education and training needs, pragmatic and structural difficulties that need to be addressed. Based on our findings, we suggest key target areas,
strategies and actions for promoting EBM awareness and implementation (table 3). TableĀ 3 Suggested strategies for promoting EBM in radiology Moving EBM teaching from the classroom to clinical practice settings has been strongly advocated to improve knowledge, critical appraisal skills, attitudes and behaviour.18 The few strategies to clinically integrate EBM teaching which have been evaluated include daily EBM teaching rounds in which searches and study appraisals are based on cases presented at clinical rounds,19 journal clubs,20 and EBM ward round sessions led by a clinical specialist and epidemiologist to develop clinical questions, literature search, critical appraisal and development of evidence summaries.21 While these teaching methods are effective, more specific evaluation of these strategies is needed in radiology. It has been recognised that evidence-based practice should be Drug_discovery taught from an early stage in medical and radiological education.22 23 Current models for educating evidence-based practice include having trained epidemiologists to deliver regular teaching and interactive sessions which encompass theory, self-directed learning, and application to clinically relevant questions; or providing training workshops or teaching EBM in postgraduate meetings which cover the principles of EBM.