We note, however, that this refinement may not only depend on visual experience, as dark-rearing may also delay the development of visual circuits (Fagiolini et al., 1994, Iwai et al., 2003 and Espinosa and Stryker, 2012). Cortical inhibition likely plays a role in surround-induced response suppression in V1 (Haider et al., 2010, Kinase Inhibitor Library Adesnik et al., 2012 and Nienborg
et al., 2013). Our results extend this idea by revealing how costimulation of the RF surround affects membrane potential dynamics to suppress neuronal firing; while the average membrane potential was altered little by surround stimulation, the principal effect of the surround was to counteract membrane depolarization generated by stimulation of the RF alone. Specifically, we observed an experience-dependent increase of relative membrane hyperpolarization by natural surround stimuli at times of large depolarizing events during RF stimulation. This hyperpolarization was partly mediated by an increased Cl− conductance, Selleckchem DAPT most likely through GABAA receptors. Yet the average firing rates of PV and SOM interneurons, although slightly reduced by surround stimulation, were not different between natural compared
to phase-randomized surround stimulation in mature V1. Hence, the preferential sensitivity for natural scene statistics in the surround was not mediated by a relative increase of inhibitory tone. Rather, we identified transient increases in membrane hyperpolarization during natural relative to phase-randomized surround stimulation, particularly at times that coincided with moments of greatest depolarization during RF stimulation. These temporal differences in the magnitude of hyperpolarization resulted in increased spike suppression,
and thereby increased the response selectivity for features in full-field natural scenes in mature V1, but not in the immature or visually deprived V1. Therefore, our results suggest that sensory experience during maturation exerts a prominent influence on the recruitment of inhibition—particularly with respect to its timing relative to potential firing events—to generate more already selective coding of visual features embedded in natural scenes. Our results are broadly consistent with observations in cat V1, where there is a transient increase of inhibition during surround suppression with drifting grating stimuli (Ozeki et al., 2009), which ultimately results in an overall reduction of both excitatory and inhibitory conductances when the circuit reaches a balanced state. Our results, however, underscore the importance of transient hyperpolarization prior to spiking events as a mechanism for effective surround suppression during ongoing stimulation with natural movies. A probable explanation for this difference is that the statistical properties of grating stimuli are much narrower than that of the naturalistic stimuli used in our study.